There has been a rash of inactivity on this here blog and I aims to rectify that ish. The good thing is I have been out climbing in glorious locations a lot, and I have lots of new material with which to inundate thee. Here are a few pictures from day 1 of a trip to the fabulous boulders of Bishop, California (of course); as usual credit for many of the pictures goes to Chris Ramirez, see more of his fine work at A more complete trip report is soon to follow but I figured I ought to whet the appetite of my avid fanbase (thanks mom and dad!).
This is Chris O. warming up on the Green Wall, a rad looking boulder with deceptively small holds.
Chris R. works on Flyboy, a burly V6 from which there is no escape. . .
Here I am on the Prow.
Sunset on the Sierra, sigh. . .

This is our campsite and one epic shot by Chris, enlarge it for full glory.
Rise and shine boys, the mountains are calling. . . Ah yes, but we're bouldering, the sport which makes mountains out of pebbles.
And here is the campsite in it's full morning glory. cozy, eh?
That is one badass sunset dude, can't wait to read about the rest of the trip